Divers Cult

Promoting Cultural diversity in primary and lower-secondary schools

Apr. 2021 – Nov. 2023 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership in school education | Project n. 2020-1-IS01-KA227-SCH-082782


European mobility and international migration are contributing to the change of the European society. However, recent OECD studies (2014 & 2016b) demonstrate that this diversified panorama rose intolerance and social exclusion instead of social inclusion, especially in school environment.
These social changes require new approaches to cultural diversity that helps individuals and groups to manage diversity more effectively, especially with regards to school education. Teachers and schools are the most exposed and directly interested by these social transformations and are required to be better prepared about cultural diversity management in order to support newly arrived students, to address their specific needs, to foster tolerance, respect for diversity and civic responsibility.


Divers-Cult Project aims at promoting diversity in classroom as key competence for teachers and students from primary and lower-secondary school through innovative pedagogies, recommendations and educational tools. In order to achieve such an aim, the Project proposes to equip teachers with intercultural competencies and tools, to make students aware of the relevant educational source diversity represents in classrooms. Moreover, the project aims at enriching aptitudes and creativity of all students, promoting inter-group contact, opportunities for reflection and peer-learning and cultural self-awareness The Project, by using ICT resources, offers the opportunity to improve teachers’ capacity of digital planning and designing of educational activities related to multiculturalism as well. More in particular, the forecast of a Virtual Cooperation Experience, which directly involves teachers and students of Partner schools, will facilitate the creation of a cross-sectoral cooperation and an innovative participatory and intercultural dialogue within the formal education framework, that will pave the way for a more digital, resilient and multicultural recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic and will focus on mutual cooperation.


– Promoting intercultural dialogue as key channel for enhancing conflict resolution, mutual respect, understanding, social cohesion, inclusion, democratic participation, empowerment of citizens and international cooperation;
– Building a framework for commonly shared values which fosters cultural diversity;
– Disseminating principles and tools of multiculturalism through quality education;
– Strengthening teachers’ self-esteem and preparation on cultural diversity management.


– PR1: Key Intercultural Competences Framework for students
– PR2: Multicultural Educational Tools and Guidelines for teachers


Haskoli Islands – IS

CRES – Centro Ricerche e Studi Europei-future business – IT
KSDP – Kauno Simono Daukanto Progimnazija – LT
Colegiul National de Arta “Octav Bancila” – RO
Hearthands Solutions Limited – CY




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