About Us

CRES – Centre for Research and European Studies – Future Business is a newly formed European non-profit Association founded by ten Organisations from 8 different Countries (DE, ES, EL, IT, MT, PT, SE, RU) with valuable experience and specific expertise for an innovative development perspective of “future business”. It includes several actors (e.g. public and private Universities, business, school, etc.)  from across Europe who are joining forces to develop and implement studies, research and European projects in the field of human resources management, education and training, ICT, social inclusion and Quality Assurance in order to enhance and valorise the professional network of its Members and thus promoting active citizenship across Europe.

Executive Committee

Meetings – at least four/year (also online)


Mario Spatafora

Mario Spatafora



Prof. Mario Spatafora is the General Secretary of Effebi Association and the European Projects Coordinator within EFFEBI Association, responsible for identifying project ideas and appropriate Partnerships. He has been Professor – by the Department of Training Sciences at the University Roma Tre – in organisational development with a specific course on the European instruments for the long-life learning (EQF/ECVET/EQARF). Previously, after a brief working experience in the Study Department of the European Commission in Luxembourg, he worked for ABI – the Italian Banking Association – and was in charge of the General Secretariat and then of the Organisational Development and Human Resources Department.

Josep Soler Alberti

Josep Soler Alberti



Josep SOLER-ALBERTÍ, CEO, IEF; Founder and Chairman EFPA 2010-2018, Executive director EFPA Spain

Is CEO of IEF http://www.iefweb.org , the leading Spanish banking and financial trainer;  founder in 2000, Chairman since 2010 to 2018 and Board member of the European Financial Planning Association (EFPA) http://www.efpa-eu.org/.  and Executive director of EFPA Spain http://www.efpa.es/, at present the largest Spanish professional association in the financial sector with over 30,000 full certified members. Josep is a leading promoter of financial literacy in Spain through the coordination of EFEC http://www.efec.cat/ .

Josep acts as independent director of several money management firms –TreaCapital http://www.treacapital.com/es/index.php , Mediolanum Gestión, Mediolanum Pensiones, etc, and manages as well his own firm of financial advice and planning.

He is at present member of the CWG of the Investor Protection and Intermediaries Standing Committee of ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) https://www.esma.europa.eu/

He is a regular contributor at several economic newspapers, as well as frequent lecturer at seminars and conferences.

He holds a BSc in Economics (Barcelona University), a BSc in business administration and an MBA at ESADE, and a research Diploma at the London School of Economics (LSE).

George Petrou

George Petrou



Mr. George Petrou, qualified in Financial Planning, Development and Management of vocational training programmes. His qualifications include the development of training materials and tools while he holds extensive experience in learning, teaching, training or youth work and personal development. He holds a master’s degree in Adult Education and he has followed seminars and post-graduate specialisations in subjects such as: training and consultative support and open & distance training for groups at risk of exclusion, diversity, integration and gender equality. He has a long experience in managing and co-ordinating EU projects mainly in the area of Lifelong Learning, local development, youth, vulnerable social groups and employment. In representing “DIMITRA”, he has participated in a wide range of networks, organisations and Board of Directors.

Volker Wittberg

Volker Wittberg



Prof. Dr. Volker Wittberg has been Professor of SME Management at the Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM), Bielefeld, since 2001, and is Prorector for Research and Development at this HEI.
As visiting professor at the University of Gloucestershire, he is responsible for the extra-occupational doctoral programs offered in cooperation with this British university.
At the same time, since 2010 he has stood before the National Centre for Red Tape Reduction (NZBA), where he has carried out numerous research projects in the field of Better Regulation, among others, on behalf of – and with the support of – various federal ministries.
In 2014, he also took over the management of the FHM-based Centre for Sustainable Governance (CSG).

Alessia Spatafora

Alessia Spatafora

Managing Director



Graduated from the University “Roma Tre” in Architecture, in 2006. She attended Postgraduate Specialization at the “Specializing School for Environmental and Cultural Heritage” at the University of Roma “La Sapienza” on the protection, safeguard, reuse, and valorization of Europe’s cultural heritage. She has been working for several years in the field of restoration, maintenance, and architectural study of historic buildings and cultural heritage, in Italy and abroad.

In 2014 she decided to approach the sector of the EU project management, where she is actually entusiastically employed.

Today, she is the Project Coordinator of non-profit Italian Association set up in 1978 “Finance&Banking – Associazione per lo Sviluppo Organizzativo e delle Risorse Umane” and the Managing Director of an European non-profit Association set up in January 2019 “Centro di Ricerche e Studi Europei-future business”, both based in Rome (IT).

She has a consolidate experience in the writing and management of EU project proposals. She is responsible for the design, monitor, communication and research activities in several European and international funding projects in the field of lifelong learning.

Up to now, she coordinates a staff of 6 people and she is responsible of more than 20 EU Projects in the field of school education, VET, youth and adult education.

General Secretariat

c/o Effebi Association in Rome (IT)


Benedetta Orlandi Contucci

Benedetta Orlandi Contucci



Benedetta Orlandi Contucci is working Finance & Banking Organisational and HR Development Association (Effebi Association) since 2001.

She is Responsible of the General Secretariat and  Secretary of the Board of Directors and of the General Assembly of Members.

She worked previously as a parliamentary assistant to a Member of the Chamber of Deputies.

She hold a BC’s in  Romance languages and Literature (Friedrich-Wilhelm Universität in Bonn, Germany).

Giorgia Tucci

Giorgia Tucci

Project Manager


PhD Architect and Adjunct Professor at DAD – Department Architecture and Design of Genoa (UniGe). Founder of the website platform agrocities.com. In 2017- 2018, she carried out as Guest Researcher a doctoral research period at the ETS, Escuela de Arquitectura in Málaga. In 2017 she was Visiting Lecturer at Universidad de Málaga, UMA-eAM’ (Malaga, Spain), in 2019 at Leibniz Universität Hannover LUH (Hannover, Germany) and in 2020, 2022 at Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia IAAC (Barcelona, Spain). Since 2015 she is coordinator of the GicLab research group at dAD-UniGe. Since 2019 she is Research Fellow in EU Projects and works actively in the monitoring, designing and research activities of European projects. Since 2021 she is involved in the management of several European Projects as Project Manager within CRES-fb. She continues her scientific production within the GicLab research group in Genoa.


Chiara Zanchetta

Chiara Zanchetta

Project Manager


She is a Brazilian & Italian Internationalist passionate about creative thinking and innovation for social justice and human rights. Graduated in International Relations and Languages and with a Master Degree in International Cooperation and Development, she works with European Project Management since 2020.

She is fond of Social Impact Research and is skilled in the field of Diversity, GESI (Gender and Social Inclusion), International Security of Minorities and Rule of Law, having collaborated with multilateral and international organizations all around the globe, such as USA, Mexico, Belgium, Portugal and Brazil.

Contact us

(+39) 063216719


Via R. Zandonai, 43 - 00135 Rome (Italy)