AmI Fit – official launch of the project
December 6, 2024

“GIAff4ID – Games for Improving Affectivity in Youngsters with Intellectual Disabilities”

Have you heard the news?!

CRESfb, Centre for Research and European studies – future business, has competed successfully in the recent calls for proposals under the Erasmus+ Programme (March 2022) and has been awarded the European Project – KA220-YOU Cooperation partnerships in youth, GIAff4ID – Games for Improving Affectivity in Youngsters with Intellectual Disabilities!

GIAff4ID Partnership is composed by 6 relevant organizations coming from 6 different European countries: Greece, Italy, Belgium, Turkey, Bulgaria and Spain.

Curious to discover GIAff4ID future activities and results?

Stay-tuned for the entire project lifetime (from October, 1st 2022 until November, 31st 2024).

GIAff4ID Project: what is it about?

The project intends to develop games (based on game-based learning approach) on various themes connected to sexual education in order to ensure that YPWID (Young People With Intellectual Disabilities- YPWID) are equipped with the same sexual education as their peers, because it allows integration in society and independence over this part of their life.

GIAff4ID project is expected to provide the following long-term outcomes:

– Dismantling the barrier around sexual education for YPWID.

– Shifting the discourse around sexual education for YPWID from negative to positive actions that allow the enjoyment of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.  

– Creating inclusive and adaptable materials for youth workers that want to engage them on the subject.

– Promote the integration of persons with disabilities in society to ensure their participation in community life.

Project results:

  1. Produce a Guidance Toolkit for youth workers based on Interviews with YPWID;
  2. Create a Games’ Compendium with Instructional Materials on how to implement them based on collection of Good Practices and games design.