Games for Improving Affectivity in Youngsters with Intellectual Disabilities
Oct.2022 – Nov.2024 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Cooperation partnerships in youth | Project n. 2022-1-BG01-KA220-YOU-000087092

GIAff4ID is inspired by the need to shift the discourse around sexual education for YPWID from negative to positive freedom, from protection from harm, to positive actions that allow the enjoyment of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. In fact, persons with disabilities’ sexuality are mostly discussed in terms of protection from abuse and violence, to which they are more vulnerable. It is certainly an important discussion to have, although it is as relevant to ensure that YPWID are equipped with the same sexual education as their peers, because it allows integration in society and independence over this part of their life. GIAff4ID wants to break stereotypes around sexual education and affectivity of YPWID, demonstrating that disability is a union of a physical or mental impairment and a barrier. Dismantling the barrier around sexual education for YPWID, GIAff4ID will show that gaining independence over choices regarding healthy sexual or sentimental relationships is not only possible, but also that increases participation and involvement in community life.
The aim this project is to develop games (based on game-based learning approach) on various themes connected to sexual education like consent, health practices, emotions and affectivity, and physical changes.
In order to make sure that young PWID’s (People With Intellectual Disabilities) needs are met, and that the activities of the projects fit their requirements, it is important to include their participation as much as possible, while training youth workers on how to best implement the materials created. Starting from the everyday experiences on the subject of Sexual Education of young PWIDs, the objective is to create inclusive and adaptable materials for youth workers that want to engage them on the subject.
– Increase Quality, Innovation, and Recognition of youth work by strengthening creativity, competences, and social commitment of youth workers.
– Enhance youth workers’ understanding of the context and their ability to raise awareness on the subject.
– Develop games for YPWID, and accompanying training materials for youth workers, with the goal of making both groups active promoters of inclusion.
– Strengthen European core values, in particular to reinforce the key principles of freedom, equality, and human rights of YPWID.
– Promote the integration of persons with disabilities in society to ensure their participation in community life.
The results will be stemming from four Work Packages:
– WP1: Management
– WP2: Guidance Toolkit for youth workers and caregivers on teaching Sexual Education to Young
Persons with Disabilities
– WP3: Games’ Compendium on Sexual Education for Young Persons with Disabilities and
Instructional Materials for youth workers and caregivers
– WP4: Communication and Dissemination
NART – National Association of Resource Teachers – BG
CRES – Centro Ricerche e Studi Europei-future business – IT
EASPD – European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities – BE
Open Europe – ES
EILD – European Institute for Local Development – EL

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