Innovative Teaching Methodologies in Hospitality Schools for Inclusive Education
Feb. 2022 – July 2024 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Cooperation Partnership in school education| Project n. 2021-1-

Inclusive education for students with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) is pivotal to end discrimination towards people with disabilities. Ever-growing evidences witness the high value which characterizes the education of ASD students through inclusive settings across the “educational lifecycle”. European Union has already pointed out the necessity for the Member States to set up national policies about the skills development which address the unique needs of people with disabilities, by designing vocational programs inclusive and open to disadvantaged communities, in order to guarantee equal access to education and labour-market-oriented skills.
In this scenario, InTeaM4IEd Project aims at helping teachers and tutors to face learning difficulties related to ASD students of initial VET in the hospitality sector and at supporting them in developing expendable skills within the education system and externally in the hospitality industry. The Partnership, right after having investigate through semi-structured interviews with sector experts the 15 key emerging competences in the field (competency mapping), will develop a ground-breaking Flexible and Hybrid Educational Methodology and Tools (F.H.E.M.T), supported by the creation of an educational app (AI driven chatbot), for teachers to assist students in gaining new sector-specific competences.
– To provide teachers and trainers with new competences and effective resources and instructional methodologies for students with ASD;
– To develop a customized learner-centred training path aimed at enhancing the student’s quality of life both within the education path and outside, in the labour market;
– To assist ASD students in developing new sectoral competences in line with the labour market requirements;
– To increase the professionality and employability of students, in particular those with ASD, in Europe’s hospitality sector;
– To encourage ADS students’ integration in VET programs;
– To promote social inclusion and equality.
– PR1: InTeaM4IEd skills and competences Model
– PR2: F.H.E.M.T. – Flexible and Hybrid Educational Methodology and Tools
– PR3: InTeaM4IEd App
Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore Crocetti-Cerulli – IT
Asociacion FRESS – ES
CRES – Centro Ricerche e Studi Europei-future business – IT
SPEL – Sociedade Promotora de W^Estabelecimentos de Ensino LDA – PT
Militos Symvouleutiki A.E. – EL
Frieslan College (Stichting Voor Algemeen Voorgezet Onderwijs, Beroepsonderwijs en
Volwasseneneducatie) – NL

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