Have a “Virtual Café together”
April 21, 2020

CRES Association is going to launch a new initiative named “Virtual Café”.
The idea behind the Virtual Cafés is to invite participants to “virtually” meet and discuss about specific and relevant topics exchanging opinions and collecting good-practices.
CRES Secretariat is responsible of organizing Virtual Cafès sessions, at least on a monthly basis, following a rotation system. BoD Members will provide indication on the involved speaker, the topic, the title and the exact date of the event.

Let’s have a “Virtual Café together”

You will find all the necessary information into the “Save the date” leaflet.
The Virtual Cafés sessions will be held in English language.
Moreover, they will be recorded and duly uploaded on the following section of CRES website.
To attend the first Virtual Cafè “Economic and markets consequences of the pandemia” – scheduled for next Wednesday, 6th of May 2020 – please, see below:

Zoom room:


ID de reunión: 882 4667 3359
Contraseña: 199859
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+34917873431,,88246673359#,,#,199859# España
+34843685025,,88246673359#,,#,199859# España

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+34 917 873 431 España
+34 84 368 5025 España
+34 91 787 0058 España
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+1 312 626 6799 Estados Unidos de América (Chicago)
+1 301 715 8592 Estados Unidos de América
+1 346 248 7799 Estados Unidos de América (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 Estados Unidos de América (San José)
+1 253 215 8782 Estados Unidos de América
ID de reunión: 882 4667 3359
Contraseña: 199859
Encuentre su número local: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kqGjUcHYx