Network of Excellence for Applied Research in VET

Jan.2023 – Dec 2024 | ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PI-FORWARD-LOT2 | Project n. 101087579


At European level, the conception of VET is principally circumscribed to developing the capabilities. Competencies and skills of the present and future workforce through vocational educational and training for both young people and adults. While this understanding of VET is necessary and key to making progress. It only represents a partial conception as regards the potential that the VET system holds, which as well as providing training and encouraging learning, can become a catalyst for innovation in small businesses and microenterprises.


The project aims to stimulate innovation by promoting applied research in the VET sector, engaging VET providers and their practitioners with the private sector, with the mediation of public institutes and the wider research communities for the creation of innovation eco-systems. The project ultimate goal is to develop, pilot test and assess collaborations between VET providers and private sectors entities in the field of Applied Research through a network structure that will improve education and training while fostering innovation.


  • Setting a methodological concept able to expand. Extend and share knowledge of status, gaps, and needs of VET systems in terms of applied research;
  • Test and validate a NEARVET blueprint through a participatory approach, able to identify the levels of competences, skills and capabilities of VET practitioners for capacitation and enhancement of the applied research in VET approach in their institutions and pathways;
  • Enable and establish a NEARVET Network. Able to foster exchange and cooperation among VET, companies-especially SMEs and start-ups and the wider research community in order to boost knowledge and innovation in the applied research context;
  • Elaborate, facilitate and establish the NEARVET digital Hub, providing for concrete opportunities of cooperation between VET and companies Europe-wide, as well as to collect and disseminate new knowledge.


The results will be stemming from six Work Packages:

  • WP1: Project Management, Quality and evaluation
  • WP2: Methodological concept: development and elaboration
  • WP3: NEARVET Blueprint competence framework development
  • WP4: NEARVET Online Digital Hub (learning, teaching, open-access research)
  • WP5: NEARVET Network foundation
  • WP6: Impact and dissemination


MetropolisNet – DE

Assolombarda – IT


Ciofs-fp – IT

CRES – Centro Ricerche e Studi Europei-future business – IT

DIMITRA Education and Consulting – EL


Folkuniversitetet – SE


Rinova – ES

Camara de Zaragoza – ES




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