ruraLAB 3.0
Fostering Empowerment of Young People in Rural Areas Through Social Entrepreneurship and Employment
Nov. 2021 – Oct. 2023 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Cooperation Partnership in youth | Project n. 2021-1-BG01-KA220-YOU-000028778

Rural areas are generally characterized by high rates of youth unemployment and early school leaving, thus eliciting a very low rate of entrepreneurship, in comparison to urban areas. As a result, young people are forced to move to cities, where job opportunities are much greater, triggering an ever-growing depopulation. It is clearly urgent, indeed, to be committed in making rural areas more attractive, assuring the future of young people in these places, thus contributing to the reduction of the depopulation.
The overall aim of ruraLAB Project is to equip young people in rural areas with knowledge, skills and competences and with practical instruments in the field of social entrepreneurship, thus fostering their professionalization and employability and preventing them from leaving for urban areas.
– To provide young people who live in rural environments with training material and practical tools in the field of social entrepreneurship, to reinforce skills and resilience, thus fostering their professional opportunities;
– To increase the employability chances through the development of a platform, which allows the matching between Entrepreneurs/Social Enterprises on one side and young people on the other side, thus favouring the cooperation and micro investments in rural young people businesses;
– To create a network of social entrepreneurs and a channel to allow micro-investments through the implementation of digital rural hubs;
– To make rural areas more attractive, thus avoiding their depopulation.
– PR1: Definition of ruraLAB Competences Profile and self-assessment tool
– PR2: Development of Toolkit and MOOC
– PR3: Design of ruraLAB platform
– PR4: Production of guides about ruraLAB dynamic and digital rural hubs
UNWE – University of National and World Economy -BG
A&A Emphasys – CY
Stichting Incubator -NL
Edu-Europe -EL
Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata – IT
CRES – Centro Ricerche e Studi Europei-future business – IT
Dideas -EL

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